Saturday, July 09, 2005

Australian Swim Team

Hey!!! well i'm like really exited because the Olympic Australian Swim Team is here in Oviedo. I'm not really sure why, but i think their here for some kind of swim meet....anywhoo their practicing at the pool that I swim at. Yesterday i got to swim practice early to sit on the benches and watch them swim, It was so cool!! They don't let anyone else like near them except for the swimmers on the swim team that i'm in, yesterday i was walking on the pool deck to get to where my swim coach was and some person like told me to get off and that they weren't letting anyone near the pool even though there was already people there!! grr i was mad, but then some other coach said we could go in after a while. They have like so many policemen around for like security and stuff, which kinda freaked me out but they do have some pretty sweet motorcycles!! hehe. But what sucks is that were not allowed to like talk to them, or take pictures of them so we can only watch them swim and dive. But on Tuesday we get to like meet them, take pictures, and get autographs. I can't wait to see all the really good Olympic swimmers like Ian thorpe, Grant Hackett, Jodie Henry, Alice Mills, Libby Lenton, Leisel Jones, Giaan Rooney and some other ones i can't really think of right now. well gotta go, toodles!!


OhKathy said...

Awesome! Autstrailian huh...interesting!

Anonymous said...

OO la la. I want to come to your swim meets

penutbutter said...

that's cool. in the olympics... nice :)

OhKathy said...

Yeah and then we CAN FALL IN AND SWIM!YEAH! So what happen with you and your asahma? Since you have that problem isn't it hard?

Anonymous said...

asahma????? What's that?? Tell em more!

Anonymous said...

Oh asmah I thought u said something else.