Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Malls and Phobias

Sunday I went to the mall with Alice. It was fun, we got to see The Pink Panther (hehe) it was pretty funny, kind of like those movies that are so stupid that you actually enjoy it. I can really tell Alice liked it, even when no one else was laughing she was just bursting with laughter, ha!

ok so I think I have some kind of phobia, cuz like every time someone talks about blood or like something inside the human body (such as a vein or nerve) I can't help but be grossed out to the fact that stuff like that is inside of me. And then I start thinking that if I move one inch of myself my veins will like be all smushed together with whatever else is there and explode and then all the blood will burst out of them and I'll die. Oh, and same thing happens when someone touches me. Its soo weird and I know that can't really happen but I think of it anyway and then I get soooo freaked out. I was close to crying during a meeting once cause the talk was on what the bible says towards blood or something rather. So I belive I have Hemophobia (fear of blood) and Chiraptophobia (Fear of being touched) when someone talks about blood. I am so wierd!

Here are some other funny phobias I found today:

  • Cacophobia- Fear of ugliness.
  • Carnophobia- Fear of meat
  • Trichopathophobia or Trichophobia- Fear of hair.
  • Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.
  • Bogyphobia- Fear of the bogeyman
  • Geliophobia- Fear of laughter
  • Geniophobia- Fear of chins
  • Helmintophobia- Fear of being infested with worms
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words (i might have that too)
  • Ommetaphobia- Fear of eyes
  • Lachanophobia - Fear of vegetables
  • Ophthalmophobia- Fear of opening one’s eyes
  • cyberphobia - fear of computers
  • Aerophobia- Fear of swallowing air
  • Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
feel free to add any other phobias to the list

So to the cyberphobic, I say, "get over it, or go to the extreme and move away from the city, abandon your car, hand build your home, hand pump your water, build your fires, and hunt for your own food!"

I turned 14 today!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

what's the opposite of hemophobia?

OhKathy said...

Wow I am going to turn 14 march 14th haha cool huh! BUt yea I heard that some even tho its pg it has some un appropriate things in it. But thats cool that you had fun!

violette said...

wow, 14. times flies.

Chiraptophobia (Fear of being touched) maybe was once your problem girl -- but didn't we cure you of that one? you sure get smothered and tackled and hugged around us, like it or not.


nice to see you posting.

lova yah doll

Dante the Inferno said...

The opposite of hemophobia would be hemophilia. What worries me is that Sophie knows this, so why is she asking????

Add "ornithiphobia: fear of birds" that's me.

OhKathy said...


penutbutter said...

congrats!! and phobophobia fear of phobias. i like that one and siderodromophobia is fear of trains that is so my sister!~!

Eric said...

woo hoo the big 1-4!!!!! ya i have Dextrophobia which is fear of object on the right side of the body.

Dante the Inferno said...

Your blog takes like five minutes to fully come up on my computer. Why is that? WHY? >:O


Daniel Greene said...

i am afraid of the evil monkey.

good to know you have hemophobia, now ill never talk about blood around you. yeah, blood, that red stuff that keeps us alive and comes out when we cut ourselves...ok yes i know that was mean.

ok starting now ill never talk about it again.


leechbaby said...

Just as a random piece of information , I'm going to be an RN (Registered Nurse), so if you ever have to go to a hospital or something give me call in about 9 or 10 years...

because of my diabetes, I have to test my blood sugar at least 4 times a day. if I was a hemophobic, that would be bad..

leechbaby said...

I apologize for my previous comment....


Kelly said...

I know this is old but:

coulrophobia - fear of clowns.